Liste de ports logiciels
Pour un article plus général, voir Port (logiciel).
Afin de permettre aux clients de connecter des serveurs, des numéros de ports logiciels sont bien connus.
Les informations qui suivent sont en général reprises par chaque système dans un fichier ; par exemple :
Les ports affichés ci-dessous peuvent être changés selon la configuration du programme
- sur Linux et OS X : /etc/services
- sur Windows : %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\services.
TCP et UDP[modifier | modifier le code]
n° | Type | Description |
1 | TCP | TCPMUX - TCP Port Service Multiplexer |
2 | TCP | compressnet - Management Utility |
3 | TCP | compressnet - Compression Process |
5 | TCP | rje - Remote job entry (en) |
7 | TCP | echo |
9 | TCP | Discard Protocol (en) |
11 | TCP | SYSTAT (en) - Active Users |
13 | TCP | Daytime Protocol (en) RFC 867 |
17 | TCP | qotd - Quote of the Day |
18 | TCP | msp - Message send protocol (en) |
19 | TCP | CHARGEN - Character Generator Protocol (en) |
20 | TCP | ftp-data - File Transfer Protocol [flux de données] |
21 | TCP | ftp - File Transfer Protocol (le flux de contrôle pour le transfert de fichiers), voir Diagramme des flux FTP (port 20 et 21) |
22 | TCP | SSH - Secure Shell - SFTP |
23 | TCP | telnet |
24 | TCP | any private mail system |
25 | TCP | smtp - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol RFC 5321 |
27 | TCP | nsw-fe - NSW User System FE |
29 | TCP | msg-icp |
31 | TCP | msg-auth - MSG Authentication |
33 | TCP | dsp - Display Support Protocol |
35 | TCP | any private printer server |
37 | TCP | Time Protocol RFC 868 |
38 | TCP | rap - Route Access Protocol |
39 | TCP | rlp - Resource Location Protocol |
41 | TCP | graphics |
42 | TCP | nameserver - Host Name Server |
43 | TCP | nicname - Who Is |
44 | TCP | mpm-flags - MPM FLAGS Protocol |
45 | TCP | mpm - Message Processing Module [recv] |
46 | TCP | mpm - Message Processing Module [default send] |
47 | TCP | ni-ftp |
48 | TCP | auditd - Digital Audit Daemon |
49 | TCP | login - Login Host Protocol (Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System) |
50 | TCP | re-mail-ck - Remote Mail Checking Protocol |
51 | TCP | la-maint - IMP Logical Address Maintenance |
52 | TCP | xns-time - XNS Time Protocol |
53 | UDP | domain - Domain Name System (DNS) |
54 | UDP | xns-ch - XNS Clearinghouse |
55 | TCP | isi-gl - ISI Graphics Language |
56 | TCP | xns-auth - XNS Authentication |
57 | TCP | any private terminal access |
58 | TCP | xns-mail - XNS Mail |
59 | TCP | any private file service |
61 | TCP | ni-mail |
62 | TCP | acas - ACA Services |
64 | TCP | covia - Communications Integrator (CI) |
65 | TCP | tacacs-ds - TACACS-Database Service |
67 | UDP | bootps - Bootstrap Protocol Server, ce port est aussi utilisé par une extension de bootp : DHCP, pour la recherche d'un serveur DHCP |
68 | UDP | bootpc - Bootstrap Protocol Client, ce port est aussi utilisé par une extension de bootp : DHCP, pour le dialogue entre le serveur DHCP et le client (attribution d'un bail pour une adresse IP) |
69 | UDP | tftp - Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
70 | TCP | gopher |
71 | TCP | netrjs-1 Remote Job Service |
72 | TCP | netrjs-2 Remote Job Service |
73 | TCP | netrjs-3 Remote Job Service |
74 | TCP | netrjs-4 Remote Job Service |
75 | TCP | any private dial out service |
76 | TCP | deos - Distributed External Object Store |
77 | TCP | any private RJE service |
78 | TCP | vetTCP |
79 | TCP | finger |
80 | TCP | www-http - World Wide Web HTTP |
81 | TCP | host2-ns - HOSTS2 Name Server |
82 | TCP | xfer - XFER Utility |
83 | TCP | mit-ml-dev |
84 | TCP | ctf - Common Trace Facility |
85 | TCP | mit-ml-dev |
86 | TCP | mfcobol - Micro Focus Cobol |
87 | TCP | any private terminal link |
88 | TCP | kerberos |
89 | TCP | su-mit-tg - SU/MIT Telnet Gateway |
90 | TCP | dnsix - DNSIX Security Attribute Token Map |
91 | TCP | mit-dov - MIT Dover Spooler |
92 | TCP | npp - Network Printing Protocol |
93 | TCP | dcp - Device Control Protocol |
94 | TCP | objcall - Tivoli Object Dispatcher |
95 | TCP | supdup |
96 | TCP | dixie - DIXIE Protocol Specification |
97 | TCP | swift-rvf - Swift Remote Virtual File Protocol |
98 | TCP | tacnews |
99 | TCP | metagram - Metagram Relay |
100 | TCP | newacct - [unauthorized use] |
101 | TCP | hostname - NIC Host Name Server |
102 | TCP | iso-tsap |
103 | TCP | gppitnp - Genesis Point-To-Point Trans Net |
104 | TCP | acr-nema - ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 |
105 | TCP | csnet-ns - Mailbox Name Nameserver |
106 | TCP | 3com-tsmux |
107 | TCP | rtelnet - Remote Telnet Service |
108 | TCP | snagas - SNA Gateway Access Server |
109 | TCP | pop2 - Post Office Protocol - Version 2 RFC 937 |
110 | TCP | pop3 - Post Office Protocol - Version 3 RFC 1939 |
111 | TCP | sunrpc - SUN Remote Procedure Call |
112 | TCP | mcidas - McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol |
113 | TCP | auth - Authentication Service |
114 | TCP | audionews - Audio News Multicast |
115 | TCP | sftp - Simple File Transfer Protocol (en) (Ubuntu) |
116 | TCP | ansanotify - ANSA REX Notify |
117 | TCP | uucp-path - UUCP Path Service |
118 | TCP | sqlserv - SQL Services |
119 | TCP | nntp - Network News Transfer Protocol RFC 3977 |
120 | TCP | cfdptkt |
121 | TCP | erpc - Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call |
122 | TCP | smakynet |
123 | UDP | ntp - Network Time Protocol RFC 5905 |
124 | TCP | ansatrader - ANSA REX Trader |
125 | TCP | locus-map - Locus PC-Interface Net Map Server |
126 | TCP | unitary - Unisys Unitary Login |
127 | TCP | locus-con - Locus PC-Interface Conn Server |
128 | TCP | gss-xlicen - GSS X License Verification |
129 | TCP | pwdgen - Password Generator Protocol |
130 | TCP | cisco-fna - cisco FNATIVE |
131 | TCP | cisco-tna - cisco TNATIVE |
132 | TCP | cisco-sys - cisco SYSMAINT |
133 | TCP | statsrv - Statistics Service |
135 | TCP | loc-srv - Location Service |
136 | TCP | profile - PROFILE Naming System |
137 | TCP | netbios-ns - NETBIOS Name Service |
138 | TCP | netbios-dgm - NETBIOS Datagram Service |
139 | TCP | netbios-ssn - NETBIOS Session Service |
140 | TCP | emfis-data - EMFIS Data Service |
141 | TCP | emfis-cntl - EMFIS Control Service |
142 | TCP | bl-idm - Britton-Lee IDM |
143 | TCP | imap2, imap4 - Internet Message Access Protocol v4 RFC 3501 |
144 | TCP | news |
145 | TCP | uaac |
146 | TCP | iso-tp0 |
147 | TCP | iso-ip |
148 | TCP | cronus - CRONUS-SUPPORT |
149 | TCP | aed-512 - AED 512 Emulation Service |
150 | TCP | sql-net |
151 | TCP | hems |
152 | TCP | bftp - Background File Transfer Program |
153 | TCP | sgmp |
154 | TCP | netsc-prod |
155 | TCP | netsc-dev |
156 | TCP | sqlsrv - SQL Service |
157 | TCP | knet-cmp - KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol |
158 | TCP | pcmail-srv - PCMail Server |
159 | TCP | nss-routing |
160 | TCP | sgmp-traps |
161 | UDP | SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol |
162 | UDP | snmptrap - Simple Network Management Protocol Trap |
163 | TCP | cmip-man - CMIP/TCP Manager |
164 | TCP | cmip-agent - CMIP/TCP Agent |
165 | TCP | xns-courier - Xerox |
166 | TCP | s-net - Sirius Systems |
167 | TCP | namp |
168 | TCP | rsvd |
169 | TCP | send |
170 | TCP | print-srv - Network PostScript |
171 | TCP | multiplex - Network Innovations Multiplex |
172 | TCP | cl/1 - Network Innocations CL/1 |
173 | TCP | xyplex-mux - Xyplex |
174 | TCP | mailq |
175 | TCP | vmnet |
176 | TCP | genrad-mux |
177 | TCP | xdmcp - X Display Manager Control Protocol |
178 | TCP | nextstep - NeXTSTEP Window Server |
179 | TCP | bgp - Border Gateway Protocol |
180 | TCP | ris - Intergraph |
181 | TCP | unify |
182 | TCP | audit - Unisys Audit SITP |
183 | TCP | ocbinder |
184 | TCP | ocserver |
185 | TCP | remote-kis |
186 | TCP | kis - KIS Protocol |
187 | TCP | aci - Application Communication Interface |
188 | TCP | mumps - Plus Five's MUMPS |
189 | TCP | qft - Queued File Transport |
190 | TCP | gacp - Gateway Access Protocol |
191 | TCP | prospero - Prospero Directory Service |
192 | TCP | osu-nms - OSU Network Monitoring System |
193 | TCP | srmp - Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol |
194 | TCP | Internet relay chat (IRC) |
195 | TCP | dn6-nlm-aud - DNSIX Network Level Module Audit |
196 | TCP | dn6-nlm-red - DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir |
197 | TCP | dls - Directory Location Service |
198 | TCP | dls-mon - Directory Location Service Monitor |
199 | TCP | smux |
200 | TCP | src - IBM System Resource Controller |
201 | TCP | at-rtmp - AppleTalk Routing Maintenance |
202 | TCP | at-nbp - AppleTalk Name Binding |
203 | TCP | at-3 - AppleTalk Unused |
204 | TCP | at-echo - AppleTalk Echo |
205 | TCP | at-5 - AppleTalk Unused |
206 | TCP | at-zis - AppleTalk Zone Information |
207 | TCP | at-7 - AppleTalk Unused |
208 | TCP | at-8 - AppleTalk Unused |
209 | TCP | tam - Trivial Mail Authentication Protocol |
210 | TCP | z39.50 |
211 | TCP | 914c/g - Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal |
212 | TCP | anet - ATEXSSTR |
213 | TCP | ipx |
214 | TCP | vmpwscs - VM PWSCS |
215 | TCP | softpc - Insignia Solutions |
216 | TCP | atls - Access Technology License Server |
217 | TCP | dbase - dBASE Unix |
218 | TCP | mpp - Netix Message Posting Protocol |
219 | TCP | uarps - Unisys ARPs |
220 | TCP | imap3 - Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 RFC 1203 |
221 | TCP | fln-spx - Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth |
222 | TCP | rsh-spx - Berkeley rshd with SPX auth |
223 | TCP | cdc - Certificate Distribution Center |
243 | TCP | sur-meas - Surveet Measurement |
245 | TCP | link |
246 | TCP | dsp3270 - Display Systems Protocol |
264 | UDP | BGMP - Border Gateway Multicast Protocol |
344 | TCP | pdap - Prospero Data Access Protocol |
345 | TCP | pawserv - Perf Analysis Workbench |
346 | TCP | zserv - Zebra server |
347 | TCP | fatserv - Fatmen Server |
348 | TCP | csi-sgwp - Cabletron Management Protocol |
371 | TCP | clearcase |
372 | TCP | ulistserv - Unix Listserv |
373 | TCP | legent-1 - Legent Corporation |
374 | TCP | legent-2 - Legent Corporation |
375 | TCP | hassle |
376 | TCP | nip - Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto |
377 | TCP | tnETOS - NEC Corporation |
378 | TCP | dsETOS - NEC Corporation |
379 | TCP | is99c - TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client |
380 | TCP | is99s - TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server |
381 | TCP | hp-collector - hp performance data collector |
382 | TCP | hp-managed-node - hp performance data managed node |
383 | TCP | hp-alarm-mgr - hp performance data alarm manager |
384 | TCP | arns - A Remote Network Server System |
385 | TCP | ibm-app - IBM Application |
386 | TCP | asa - ASA Message Router Object Def. |
387 | TCP | aurp - AppleTalk Update-Based Routing Pro. |
388 | TCP | unidata-ldm - Unidata LDM Version 4 |
389 | TCP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) |
390 | TCP | uis |
391 | TCP | synotics-relay - SynOptics SNMP Relay Port |
392 | TCP | synotics-broker - SynOptics Port Broker Port |
393 | TCP | dis - Data Interpretation System |
394 | TCP | embl-ndt - EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer |
395 | TCP | NETscout Control Protocol |
396 | TCP | netware-ip - Novell NetWare encapsulé dans IP |
397 | TCP | mptn - Multi Protocol Trans. Net. |
398 | TCP | kryptolan |
400 | TCP | work-sol - Worksation Solutions |
401 | TCP | ups - Uninteruptible Power Supply |
402 | TCP | genie - Genie Protocol |
403 | TCP | decap |
404 | TCP | nced |
407 | TCP | Timbuktu (software) (en) |
408 | TCP | prm-sm - Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. |
409 | TCP | prm-nm - Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. |
410 | TCP | decladebug - DECLadebug Remote Debug Protcol |
411 | TCP | rmt - Remote MT Protocol |
412 | TCP | synoptics-trap - Trap Convetion Port |
413 | TCP | smsp |
414 | TCP | infoseek |
415 | TCP | bnet |
416 | TCP | silverplatter |
417 | TCP | onmux |
418 | TCP | hyper-g |
419 | TCP | ariel1 |
420 | TCP | smpte |
421 | TCP | ariel2 |
422 | TCP | ariel3 |
423 | TCP | opc-job-start - IBM Operations Planning and Control Start |
424 | TCP | opc-job-track - IBM Operations Planning and Control Track |
425 | TCP | icad-el - ICAD |
426 | TCP | smartsdp |
427 | TCP | svrloc - Server Location |
428 | TCP | ocs_cmu |
429 | TCP | ocs_amu |
430 | TCP | utmpsd |
431 | TCP | utmpcd |
432 | TCP | iasd |
433 | TCP | nnsp |
434 | TCP | mobileip-agent |
435 | TCP | mobileip-mn |
436 | TCP | dna-cml |
437 | TCP | comscm |
438 | TCP | dsfgw |
439 | TCP | dasp |
440 | TCP | sgcp |
441 | TCP | decvms-sysmgt |
442 | TCP | cvc_hostd |
443 | TCP | https (SSL/TLS) |
444 | TCP | snpp - Simple Network Paging Protocol (en) |
445 | TCP/UDP | microsoft-ds SMB, anciennement appelé CIFS (Common Internet File System) |
446 | TCP | ddm-rdb |
447 | TCP | ddm-dfm |
448 | TCP | ddm-byte |
449 | TCP | as-servermap - AS Server Mapper |
450 | TCP | tserver |
465 | TCP | smtp sécurisé (ssl) (non officiel) |
497 | TCP | retrospect - Retrospect Backup software |
500 | TCP | ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol), un des composants d'IPsec |
502 | TCP | Modbus sur TCP. |
514 | UDP | Syslog RFC 3164 NB : ce service n'est pas listé habituellement dans le fichier etc\services |
515 | TCP | printer - spooler |
517 | TCP | talk |
518 | TCP | ntalk |
520 | UDP | Routing |
525 | TCP | timed - timeserver |
526 | TCP | tempo - newdate |
546 | UDP | DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol v6 (for IPv6) |
548 | TCP | AppleShare IP Server |
554 | TCP | RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) RFC 2326 |
563 | TCP | nntp sécurisé (ssl) RFC 4642 |
587 | TCP | Message Submission for Mail RFC 5068 RFC 6409 |
631 | TCP | Internet Printing Protocol |
636 | TCP | LDAP encapsulé dans SSL/TLS |
706 | TCP | Secure internet live conferencing |
706 | UDP | Secure internet live conferencing |
873 | TCP | rsync |
902 | TCP/UDP | VMware Vsphere client et Vcenter heartbeat |
989 | TCP | Port de données File Transfer Protocol Secure |
990 | TCP | Port de connexion serveur FTPS |
993 | TCP | imap sécurisé (ssl) |
995 | TCP | pop3 sécurisé (ssl) |
1080 | TCP | SOCKS |
1135 | UDP/TCP | OmniVision Communication Service |
1194 | UDP/TCP | OpenVPN |
1337 | TCP/UDP | Port utilisé par les développeurs pour tester des applications (Leet speak) |
1352 | TCP | Lotus Notes |
1414 | TCP | IBM MQSeries |
1433 | TCP | Microsoft SQL Server |
1434 | TCP | Microsoft SQL Monitor |
1521 | TCP | Serveur Oracle NB : ce numéro de port était (ou est) aussi utilisé par ncube-lm (nCUBE (en)) |
1524 | TCP | Ingreslock, voir Ingres (base de données) |
1720 | TCP | H.323 |
1723 | TCP | PPTP |
1863 | TCP | MSN (tchat) |
1883 | TCP | MQTT |
2049 | TCP | NFSv4 |
2106 | TCP/UDP | L2J LoginServer |
2164 | TCP/UDP | Dynamic DNS |
2382 | TCP | ms-olap3 |
2427 | UDP | MGCP |
3000 | TCP | First Class Server |
3051 | TCP | AMS (Agency Management System) |
3074 | TCP/UDP | nintendo server |
3306 | TCP | Mysql Server |
3389 | TCP | Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP) |
3632 | TCP | distcc (compilation partagée) |
3644 | TCP | Evidian, ssowatch |
3725 | TCP/UDP | Netia NA-ER Port |
3979 | TCP/UDP | Serveur Transport Tycoon deluxe en open source (openttd) |
4569 | UDP | IAX2 Inter-Asterisk-Exchange (rfc5456) |
5003 | TCP/UDP | FileMaker network sharing |
5009 | TCP/UDP | Apple AirPort Admin Utility, AirPort Express Assistant, Xwis |
5060 | TCP/UDP | serveur SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) |
5062 | TCP/UDP | Localisation access |
5222 | TCP | serveur Jabber |
5223 | TCP | serveur Jabber sécurisé (ssl) |
5269 | TCP | serveur à serveur (server to server) Jabber |
5280 | TCP | serveur BOSH |
5353 | TCP/UDP | Multicast DNS |
5432 | TCP | serveur PostgreSQL |
5498 | TCP | Hotline Tracker |
5500 | TCP | Hotline Server |
5501 | TCP | Hotline Server |
5900 | TCP | VNC Server |
5984 | TCP | CouchDB Server |
6000 | TCP/UDP | X11 |
6112 | TCP | Warcraft III |
6522 | TCP | Gobby Server (Sobby) |
6557 | TCP | Monitoring |
6667 | TCP | Serveur IRC |
6697 | TCP | Serveur IRC sécurisé (ssl) |
7000 | TCP | Serveur IRC sécurisé (ssl) alternatif |
7648 | TCP | CU-SeeMe (en) |
7725 | TCP/UDP | Port par défaut de Faronics Deep Freeze (console/serveur) |
7777 | TCP/UDP | Serveur Terraria / L2J Gameserver |
8000 | TCP | Hotline |
8006 | TCP | Dell AppAssure (en) Replication/Management Interface |
8008 | TCP | Serveur CalDAV |
8009 | TCP | Port AJP utilisé par Tomcat |
8080 | TCP | http alternatif (webcache) |
8098 | TCP | Administration Microsoft Windows Server 2003 |
8140 | TCP | Serveur Puppet (port par défaut pour le master) |
8443 | TCP | Serveur CalDAV sécurisé (ssl) |
8787 | TCP | Serveur RStudio |
8883 | TCP | MQTT sécurisé (SSL) |
8888 | TCP | VolumeOnLan client/serveur |
9009 | TCP | Pichat - Peer to peer webchat software |
9443 | TCP | VMware HTTPS (TCP) Accès et administration de vCenter Server via l'interface Web |
10011 | TCP | Accès distant Livebox sécurisé HTTPS |
11371 | TCP/UDP | OpenPGP - OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver |
20003 | TCP/UDP | WriteEasy Office: Coordination affichage utilisateur et serveur local | Serveur API pour logiciels tiers |
25444 | TCP | Serveur Unturned |
25565 | TCP/UDP | Serveur Minecraft |
27000 à
27050 |
TCP/UDP | Serveur Steam |
27017 | TCP | MongoDB |
47808 à 47823 | UDP | BACnet (BAC0 à BACF) |
Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code]
Le détail des ports assignés aux services dits « bien connus » peut être trouvé dans le document suivant :