by Joshua Boniface

Our GPG key for signing our Debian and Ubuntu repositories ( and is set to expire next month.

Unfortunately this was an oversight when we first set up this repo, and we never provided any convenient way to update this. As a remedy, we’ve removed the expiry on the key and put a new version on the repo. This brings us into line with numerous other 3rd-party Debian repositories, such as the Microsoft .NET and Docker repositories which also use an expiry-less key, and should avoid any such issues again, barring a need to rotate it. This does however require manually refreshing the key on your system.

Doing this is as easy as re-running the command from the install docs; it will overwrite the old key with the new one:

wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

You can verify this worked by checking the apt-key output like so; this is a good practice anyways to verify that the key has not been altered, as its signatures and fingerprint should all match:

$ apt-key list | grep -C2 jellyfin  # Notice the expires: field
Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
pub   rsa3072 2018-12-16 [SC] [expires: 2020-12-15]
      4918 AABC 486C A052 358D  778D 4902 3CD0 1DE2 1A7B
uid           [ unknown] Jellyfin Team <>
sub   rsa3072 2018-12-16 [E] [expires: 2020-12-15]

$ wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -

$ apt-key list | grep -C2 jellyfin  # Notice the expires: is now gone
Warning: apt-key output should not be parsed (stdout is not a terminal)
pub   rsa3072 2018-12-16 [SC]
      4918 AABC 486C A052 358D  778D 4902 3CD0 1DE2 1A7B
uid           [ unknown] Jellyfin Team <>
sub   rsa3072 2018-12-16 [E]

If you find this didn’t work, try removing the key first with this command, then re-add it again:

sudo apt-key remove 1DE21A7B

We’ve also published the key to the Ubuntu keyserver as a backup, just in case, or if you prefer this method. Our docs will retain the direct-file method however. You can use this command to obtain the key directly from the Ubuntu keyserver:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 1DE21A7B

Please ensure you refresh the key before December 15th, or you will find that apt update no longer works!

GitHub Issue for reference:

Reddit thread for reference:

Thanks, Joshua